About Click for Health

Telehealth appointments and instant medical services with Australian-registered doctors
Click for Health Pty Ltd is an online medical services company based in Australia dedicated to delivering holistic health services with telehealth consultations and other medical services.
At Click for Health, we understand the importance of real-time immediate care and the need to make that available anywhere anytime. We have built a simplified pathway enabling our patients to interact with the medical team as well as our allied health practitioners with speed and convenience.
Our 100 per cent Australian-based medical team has over 30 years of combined medical experience in emergency departments, general medical practice, allied health, and alternative medicine pathways. Their experience covers managing treatment outcomes for children, adolescents, and elderly patients, including trauma and travel medicine. Our focus is on ensuring patients' health goals are achieved.
The medical team also has completed extensive experimental and research work in plant-based medicine, and as such we consider plant-based medicines as an alternative treatment pathway for several acute illnesses where appropriate.
So, whether it is an online medical certificate, a script, a referral, a blood test, or a general health discussion, our medical team is only a click away.
Click for Health is here to provide you safe, fast, and reliable access to Australian-based and registered medical and allied health practitioners, all working to support the health outcomes for all Australians.
For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.